Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tick Tock..."Time" will Tell...

Don't you enjoy when a package arrives in the mail, one you've been waiting for, and anticipating it's arrival? I love to come home from work and find a package that I know will make me smile!  It's certainly better than opening those envelopes I unfortunately recognize from the credit card company!

Well, my first Allen Design purchase arrived! Isn't it adorable?!  Check out Michelle Allen's blog and her shop!

She's become a favorite designer of mine! I've been admiring her talents for quite some time AND her endless ambition!  I finally ordered one of her unique clock creations, and I couldn't be more satisfied!  She's a cheery cupcake lady painted in some of my favorite colors; pInk, TuRqUoise, REd, blAcK! She made me smile as soon as I pulled her out of the box.
She's found her perfect my laundry room to cheer me when I head in there to conquer the dirties! 
She also serves as a reminder to keep creatively dreamin' of that charming cupcake shoppe I would love to open! I envision looking at her hanging in a quaint, downtown bakery as I'm preparing delightfully-colorful little cakes!  I dream of not counting the minutes to "get out" of where I am!  She's a cheery reminder that time passes by very quickly,, try to find that which you love doing! She looks pretty cute in there, don't ya think?


1 comment:

michelle allen said...

she looks PERFECT in there!!! i love that you want to open a cupcake shop. i've always dreamed of something like that. please do it! then i can live vicariously through you :). i hope you have a very blessed Easter!