Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tick Tock..."Time" will Tell...

Don't you enjoy when a package arrives in the mail, one you've been waiting for, and anticipating it's arrival? I love to come home from work and find a package that I know will make me smile!  It's certainly better than opening those envelopes I unfortunately recognize from the credit card company!

Well, my first Allen Design purchase arrived! Isn't it adorable?!  Check out Michelle Allen's blog and her shop!

She's become a favorite designer of mine! I've been admiring her talents for quite some time AND her endless ambition!  I finally ordered one of her unique clock creations, and I couldn't be more satisfied!  She's a cheery cupcake lady painted in some of my favorite colors; pInk, TuRqUoise, REd, blAcK! She made me smile as soon as I pulled her out of the box.
She's found her perfect my laundry room to cheer me when I head in there to conquer the dirties! 
She also serves as a reminder to keep creatively dreamin' of that charming cupcake shoppe I would love to open! I envision looking at her hanging in a quaint, downtown bakery as I'm preparing delightfully-colorful little cakes!  I dream of not counting the minutes to "get out" of where I am!  She's a cheery reminder that time passes by very quickly,, try to find that which you love doing! She looks pretty cute in there, don't ya think?


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Revision...a dream is a wish your heart makes....

Well, I had to revise my wish list.  I simply had to...I turn 45 next month, and there are far too many wonderful things on that list that I wish to still do!  So, it's now become the "45 things I wish to do before I turn 46" list. Now, I have a complete year to ease into the many, many things on that special list...and this way, I'll be able to share all the joy I experience from my accomplishments with you.  I knew, when I created the list a month or so ago, I was being a bit TOO optimistic. I did, however, cross off one more item yesterday. I randomly visited my sister at her office with a bouquet of red tulips. She's been having a difficult sometimes gives us a lot to handle.  So, feeling helpless that I couldn't change what was happening around her, I could at least bring a smile to her day!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Coffee "Chat"

Stopped by my favorite coffee place (Biggby) for a cup of joe on a cold, winter morning. As I waited in the drive-thru for my usual,... tall, skinny, decaf, vanilla bean latte, I was pleasantly greeted by a friendly, miniature snowman.  As much as he made me smile, bringing me out of my morning coma,...I have to say I was even happier to see the sun shining this afternoon. I'm quite certain that friendly guy didn't make it through the day considering his petite nature but he was a nice start to my day.  I hope you're fortunate enough to have a Biggby in your town, but if you don't, be sure to visit one.