Monday, December 7, 2009

Kickin' off the Christmas Season...Tree Cutting Tradition...

Well, there it ya have it...what a tree we found this year! We enjoyed a sunny, warm day for our annual tradition of choppin' down our Christmas tree!! That's the big honkin' tree we picked! Our largest one yet! See what happens when you have cathedral ceilings in your new home...the kids want the biggest we could find! It's awesome though....very grand indeed!

Charlie boy was so happy and free running through the woods as we searched for that perfect tree...ahhh,...the wonderful scent of the pines! There was definately a pep in his step...he was so excited to be along for the tree-cutting festivities!
Excited,...but tired for sure! Ahhh...the life of a dog...waitin' in the truck until we loaded the tree. Whew,...I haven't run like that in ages...panting panting panting! Love my family for takin' me along, love ridin' in Jack's truck!
How quickly times flies though, doesn't it? It seems that I was just yesterday posting pictures of the colorful fall landscape, and it's already Christmas-time (whether these pictures look like it or not)....poof,...time quickly passes by! I've had no time to post, no time to create, just no time! The holidays can be a crazy time if you let em, but I do LOVE this time! I'll post more of our Christmas tree when it's adorned with decorations and sitting comfortably in our home!

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