Monday, December 28, 2009

After the Hoopla of the Holidays...

Been feelin' crafty and creative the past couple of days! Christmas is over and with the new year soon approaching, I'm feeling motivated and inspired to devote time to doing what I love...create! My artistic mojo has hit...and "finally" I say!  I sat at the torch and made some beads this past weekend. Great feeling but I'm out of practice for certain...lots of clunkers.  Practice makes perfect though, right?
For those glass beads that passed inspection, I put together some colorful and fun bracelets.  These three goodies were produced last evening...ya like? So simple, but have such a fun impact! 
I merged an eclectic mix of candy-striped furnace glass, felt balls & flowers, silver accents, and my own vibrantly-colored lampwork beads! Can you say...those January blahs won't get me down!  They're a reminder of all things bright and colorful for sure.

These are so easy to wear, made with elastic!  They are not for the shy that's for sure...but for the fun and HaPpY at heart!  I can't wait to put one on with a simple black tee!  A necklace is next!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Holiday

Want a great holiday dvd to rent this weekend? Watch "The Holiday". It's a story about two women who find that a change in address can change their lives! Great, wonderful, and touching movie. Jack Black is adorable and Jude Law is stunningly handsome! I highly recommend it for an afternoon relaxing on the couch! Yeah, I know...what time do you have to relax during the holiday season? But, I say make time for a movie this weekend whether you venture out or stay at home and rent! I watched "The Holiday" last weekend as I was tying bows on my wreaths. Each time I see it (yes, I've seen this movie a few times over), I find something else I enjoy about it! This time, I heard what will be added to my all-time favorite movie lines (I'll share more of those down the road). Yes, I'm definately a fan of "chick flicks"! In her beautiful English accent, Kate Winslet says,..."I like corny! I'm looking for corny in my life." Ladies,...who isn't...right? Watch a quick clip & enjoy! http//

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Trimmin' that Tree...Deckin' the Halls...

Welcome to our home! Merry Christmas!

Yum....hope the neighbors like the goodies because they been so "goodie" to us over the past couple of years!

Not the best shot of me up there (horrible angle...yikes), but you get the "idea"! As overwhelming as it was to decorate, I have to admit,'s a beautiful tree!

I'm diggin' the lime greens and turquoise combo this year!

That crazy, mysterious elf is still keepin' an eye on the girls!
I hope you enjoy all the holiday trimmings! I've been decoratin' the tree, deckin' the halls, and bakin' goodies galore! And, that doesn't include the shoppin'...runnin' here and runnin' there,...more ornaments, more ribbon...more, more, more! The house is full of warmth,...lights, color, wonderful scents!
I'm a "theme" kind of gal when it comes to decoratin', but of course a sentimental one too. So, you can find ormanents that represent wonderful memories, some the girls made in grade school back to a couple of ornaments I made myself oh,...over 35 years ago...can it be that long?!
We're ready to enjoy the rest of the season with family and friends! This weekend, looking forward to a neighboorhood walk-through with good company, delightful company and a "spirited" evening! I can't wait to see everyone's homes during this beautiful Christmas season and open ours up to them! Merry, Merry,.....

Monday, December 7, 2009

Kickin' off the Christmas Season...Tree Cutting Tradition...

Well, there it ya have it...what a tree we found this year! We enjoyed a sunny, warm day for our annual tradition of choppin' down our Christmas tree!! That's the big honkin' tree we picked! Our largest one yet! See what happens when you have cathedral ceilings in your new home...the kids want the biggest we could find! It's awesome though....very grand indeed!

Charlie boy was so happy and free running through the woods as we searched for that perfect tree...ahhh,...the wonderful scent of the pines! There was definately a pep in his step...he was so excited to be along for the tree-cutting festivities!
Excited,...but tired for sure! Ahhh...the life of a dog...waitin' in the truck until we loaded the tree. Whew,...I haven't run like that in ages...panting panting panting! Love my family for takin' me along, love ridin' in Jack's truck!
How quickly times flies though, doesn't it? It seems that I was just yesterday posting pictures of the colorful fall landscape, and it's already Christmas-time (whether these pictures look like it or not)....poof,...time quickly passes by! I've had no time to post, no time to create, just no time! The holidays can be a crazy time if you let em, but I do LOVE this time! I'll post more of our Christmas tree when it's adorned with decorations and sitting comfortably in our home!