Saturday, March 12, 2011

What a Girl Wants...

There are no "plans" for this Saturday which is the best part about waking up this morning. Nothing HAS to be done, well maybe a little grocery shopping, but that can wait 'til another day. 
I LOVE these "nothin' goin' on" type days!  There are things I WANT to do, so many things, but I don't HAVE to do them, I don't have any demands to meet today just fun things I WANT to do! 
I LOVE Saturdays!

I want to workout! (we'll see if that happens) 
I want to do my paws are a dry mess! 
I want grilled cheese and tomato soup for lunch (oh, and a diet coke).
I want to hit the downtown St. Patty's Day parade this afternoon and the PUB crawl tonight! I NEED to find something green to wear!
I want to go to Target...because I miss it! 
I want to make some tie dye t-shirts! 
I want to make more colorful throw pillows (because I'm obsessed and can't get enough of the great fabric out there wanting to be made into "something")
I want to make a huge bulletin board for my office/craft room (need more ideas though)
I want to make some beads (I don't, however, want to clean my bead table).
I want to find a great cottage to rent this summer.
I want to take a late-afternoon nap, watch a good movie.

I may just do nothing at all...and all day long too. All I know is that today, well, I'm doin' whatever "I want to do"!