Saturday, March 12, 2011

What a Girl Wants...

There are no "plans" for this Saturday which is the best part about waking up this morning. Nothing HAS to be done, well maybe a little grocery shopping, but that can wait 'til another day. 
I LOVE these "nothin' goin' on" type days!  There are things I WANT to do, so many things, but I don't HAVE to do them, I don't have any demands to meet today just fun things I WANT to do! 
I LOVE Saturdays!

I want to workout! (we'll see if that happens) 
I want to do my paws are a dry mess! 
I want grilled cheese and tomato soup for lunch (oh, and a diet coke).
I want to hit the downtown St. Patty's Day parade this afternoon and the PUB crawl tonight! I NEED to find something green to wear!
I want to go to Target...because I miss it! 
I want to make some tie dye t-shirts! 
I want to make more colorful throw pillows (because I'm obsessed and can't get enough of the great fabric out there wanting to be made into "something")
I want to make a huge bulletin board for my office/craft room (need more ideas though)
I want to make some beads (I don't, however, want to clean my bead table).
I want to find a great cottage to rent this summer.
I want to take a late-afternoon nap, watch a good movie.

I may just do nothing at all...and all day long too. All I know is that today, well, I'm doin' whatever "I want to do"!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday Snow Storm!!

Snowing...AGAIN?!  At least "someone" in our household is excited and energized by the wet, wintry, white stuff pouring from the sky!  Looking out my office window while I IS pretty, like a snow globe!  

Last week, temps were in the fifties, we walked in our sweatshirts, the sun was shining and the sky was so blue...oh well, nothing more than a teaser of Spring I guess.  My husband kept saying, "It IS only February!" What a realist, huh? And, yup, he certainly proved to be right. Feeling thankful that I am "home" looking from the inside out!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Scattered LOVE


It's the month of LOVE!

So, I'm sharing some random "LOVE...liness" on a cold and dreary Monday! Besides, I have a terrible cold and a nasty cough, so I NEED some "LOVE-in" while I'm shut-in!

My two, favorite ladies, LOVEly daughters,...Briana & Megan! I LOVE these gals, and I'm so proud of them!  

Doris Day and Brian Keith!  Great couple...LOVE this movie!  You must watch it for sheer fun and love!

"With Six You Get Eggrolls!"

Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Year, New Beginnings!

January,...a new year, and a fresh attitude!  Sitting obviously on my bed stand rests my new devotional book (thanks to my sis who left this on my doorstep during the holidays)!

This book allows for writing at the bottom, but I can't say that I've made the effort to journal and "share" my thoughts, out there out in the open!  To me, well, it's a huge step (hence my lack of blogging consistently), to put it all out there in black and white! I have "opened" myself up to trusting in God and what he wants for me; HE will take me where he wants me to be!, I "believe" that IS the word of THE year...quit questioning...just "bEliEvE"...
 A crystal clear & sunny January morning...crisp, fresh, clean. It was so see the sunshine again, a promise for brighter days ahead!
A strong fire on a cold, winter Sunday...the remnants of our beautiful Christmas tree,...still providing warmth and light!