Tuesday, October 27, 2009

"Colorful Personalities"

Briana & Megan...
Inbetween my busy teenagers' schedules, I dragged them out to snap some pics before one had practice and the other had to race to work. There was a wee bit of sunshine peeking through the trees. We certainly haven't seen enough of it lately. So, we pulled over on the "side of the road", parked the car, and jumped out to engage in a fast photo shoot....no preparation, just an impromtu! I'd like to venture out again before the color fades away, but these weren't too bad for literally ten minutes of smiles! We'll see if I can get these busy gals to head out again. These photos seem to capture their relationship though...they really do love one another, and I'm so glad that they're close...despite their petty arguments over gettin to school on time, sharing clothes, make-up, and friends,...they're great girls and I'm proud of them.
It's beginning to hit me and my emotional nature that Megan is a senior this year and will soon be on her own! I'm trying to keep positive and focused on the journey ahead of her, her independence, the wonderful experiences that lay ahead for her instead of thinking about my own "loss", etc. I know that I need to let her go, but it isn't goin' be easy!
Even more reason for MORE picture taking!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Happy Birthday, Charile!

Charlie began his fourth birthday by resting comfortably on the couch! "Get down", "bad dog", "off the couch",...awww, we're suckers for that face..."okay,...guess you can stay up there...it IS your birthday!"

He looks so relaxed doesn't he?! So peaceful...a dog's life...not too bad!
What a great dog he has been for our family! We all love him immensely! He has certainly touched our hearts over the last four years! It's interesting that he was born on "sweetest day" four years ago because he's such a "lovey" boy, the most affectionate pup we've ever had!

I made a special "treat" for the celebration...cupcakes for his sweetness...

It's been a wonderful journey thus far, Charlie! We love you for being our companion, always stickin' by our sides (literally), keepin' our feet warm, ridin' shotgun on errands, taking US for walks, scratchin' our new wood floors as you race to the door, those endless kisses and affectionately sweet looks!

Happy Birthday to You! What a good boy,...he even waited until we told him it was okay to eat his little birthday cake! Sittin' Pretty for the camera and lickin' his chops! He's pretty comfortable in front of the camera!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Three Essential Practices in Life...

It seems that "drive-time" usually provides me with the best opportunity to reflect on various things. Recently, I was listening to a talk-radio station (gotta love those XM stations) when a motivational speaker captured my attention. He was talking about what he believed were the essential steps to achieving a Fulfilling & Succesful life.

"Shoot, who doesn't want to experience those two things...!"

These three simple steps struck me,...and so much so, that I jotted them down quickly in my notebook. If you're like me,...I can't remember anything unless it's in INK, so the notebook keeps me on track...love my notebook!

Oh yes, so, anyway, back on that track, back to the purpose of this entry today...

I'm continously recreating myself and trying to determine where I wish to be in my life. Yup, even at my ol' age, I'm STILL tryin' to figure it all out! These steps really ARE the essentials, aren't they?! I think our outlook on life is so important; attitude is so much to one's "SUCCESS"!

Step 1: Exercise!
Step 2: Feed Your Mind!
Step 3: Vision Beyond Now! See it better than it is...always!

Try these steps yourself for a truly
fulfilling & Successful
life......jot them down in your own notebook!

Beautiful Autumn Day...

Okay, so I'm not sure what happened but I deleted a good number of my previous postings! Can you say,...extremely disappointed!

Being the efficient soul that I tend to be, I went into the "draft" area and started deleting old posts thinking I was cleanin' shop. Well, I guess if you delete the "drafts", the final entries disappear from your blog too...who would have known!? Oh well, I'm trying not to sweat the small stuff. It wasn't like it was a lifetime of exciting journal entries. My life is hardly a novel that you struggle to put down because of the thrilling details, but it really IS a bummer that these postings are gone, pictures of my travels, my misc. creations, thoughts, etc.

So, here I am today, on a beautiful fall day, to begin my journaling again. It's a sunny day with the leaves beginning to show their colorful display...ReDs, ORanges, gOlds! I love this time of year! The scenery is so spectacular; the sunshine accents the warm colors on the trees, with the crisp blue sky as a backdrop! If only this season lasted longer here in Michigan. LOVE the seasons, but with a long winter coming before us, I'm soakin' up as much of this as I can. I am so blessed to be able to enjoy this view out my back window and each day, more colors appear....isn't it peaceful?